Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Benjamin Law: Gaysia

Reading this delightful, if harmless, item left me filled with emotions.  There were those the book intended to inspire--sympathy, hope, pity, and awe--but I also experienced plenty that were likely less intended: jealousy, judgement, and bitterness.  Law's breezy, aphoristic style only occasionally betrays the effort of coming up with original ways to describe his experiences (one of my favorite examples: "I spent the evening rushing to the toilet every hour, close to tears, leaking what felt like hot soup.  It was if my guts had become a faucet of horror, passionately rejecting something evil inside me [274]). His way with words, his access to the resources necessary for such a journey, his constant reference to his skinny, youthful body and "criminally handsome boyfriend", all overlaid the reading with a hunger on the part of this reader that was uncomfortable and cowing.  It was a good book.  He seems like a good guy.  I'm happy for him.  I am.

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